Queen's Education Letter

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A publication of the Faculty of Education and the Education Alumni Committee

The Office of the Dean and the Education Alumni Steering Committee are pleased to introduce Queen’s Education Letter. This thematic bi-annual letter is one of our means to engage the community of educators and the public at large in a discussion of current educational issues by making accessible the ideas and research of prominent scholars on compelling topics. It is also a way to fulfill our social responsibility as a public institution and reach out to our alumni as an expression of our gratitude for their continued support.


Queen’s Education Letter is offered free-of-charge. Access to the current issue and archived issues is available under “Recent submissions” in the right column of this webpage.

Queen's Education Letter is also delivered in bulk to select locations. The Queen’s Education Letter is supported by annually pledged donations from alumni and friends as well as matching funds from the Office of the Dean of Education.

For questions or bulk orders contact:

Bob Snell, Queen’s Faculty of Education
Tel: (613)533-6000 ext.75408
Email: edletter@educ.queensu.ca

Launch Reception for Queen's Education Letter

The launch reception was held on December 7, 2005 and featured a presentation by Dr. Romulo Magsino, Dean Emeritus, Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. Dr. Magsino presented on "Education and Religion: A Question of Rights." The presentation was followed by a lively discussion among attendees, who included; faculty and emeritus faculty, graduate students, alumni and community members interested in the publication and the theme of the first issue: human rights in education.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 10
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    History of Education
    (2011-02-09T18:24:01Z) Bruno-Jofré, Rosa; Breakstone, Joel; Smith, Mark; Wineburg, Sam; Lévesque, Stéphane; Seixas, Peter; Ercikan, Kadriye; Christou, Theodore; Stafford, Joseph
    This issue aims to call attention to the relevance of History in students' development as critical thinkers and ultimately as good citizens.
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    Aboriginal Education
    (2010-08-03T18:11:11Z) Bruno-Jofré, Rosa; Beeman, Chris; Robust, Te Tuhi; Freeman, Kate; Reed, Kevin; Belmore, Lorne; Morrison, Carole
    This issue conveys the Faculty of Education's commitment to the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada and beyond. The approach intersects the transnationality of histories of colonialism with the need to critically re-address ill defined notions of education that, while operating as technologies of transformation, have often lost sight of the humanity of people.
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    Technological Education
    (2010-03-19T19:37:16Z) Bruno-Jofré, Rosa; Wynne, Kathleen; Hope, Gill; Welch, Malcolm; Norman, Eddie; Olson, John; Holtermann-Delong, Ena; Higham, Jeremy; Yeomans, David; Whitaker, Chris
    Technological education encompasses a wide range of skills development, among which are imaginative problem solving, design and production. Creative ways of engaging young people in both the conceptual and practical elements of technology are essential for society. This issue of the Education Letter ranges from the ethics of science and technology, to design and its impact on thinking, to the benefits of education in this field for both younger children and at risk youth, to an exploration of existing programs.
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    Peace Education
    (2009-08-10T12:32:30Z) Bruno-Jofré, Rosa; MacDonald, Flora; Van Gurp, Carolyn; Porter, Robert Gerald; Stroud Stasel, Rebecca; Swaren, Izabella; Kozolanka, Karne
    Peace Education encompasses a variety of human rights issues, freedom from war and freedom from all oppression. Globally we are faced with a challenge to create a peaceful and sustainable future. Peace education teaches us to inspect our own assumptions and listen to the perspectives of others.
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    Arts Education
    (2008-06-20T14:21:53Z) Bruno-Jofré, Rosa; Noppe-Brandon, Scott; Elliot, Stephen; Upitis, Rena; Smithrim, Katharine; O'Farrell, Larry; Johnston, Aynne
    The Spring/Summer 2008 issue of Queen's Education Letter is on the theme "Arts Education." The issue starts off with an article by the editor, Rosa Bruno-Jofre, Queen's University titled "Rethinking Aethetics." Bruno-Jofre's article is followed by articles by Scott Noppe-Brandon of the Lincoln Centre Institute, Stephen Elliot, Queen's University, Rena Upitis and Katharine Smithrim, Queen's University, and Larry O'Farrell, Queen's University.