School of Rehabilitation Therapy: CATS 2005

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    Stronger Evidence is Needed to Determine if Exercise is Effective in Improving Hand Function in Women ≥ 50 Years of Age with Hand Osteoarthritis
    (2005-07-21T16:57:59Z) Garner, E. Kathryn
    CLINICAL QUESTION: Is exercise effective in improving hand function in women 50 years of age and older with hand OA? CLINICAL BOTTOM LINE: The value of exercise in improving hand function in women ≥ 50 years of age with hand OA cannot yet be determined. Higher quality randomized controlled trials that investigate interventions consisting solely of exercise and which use standardized outcome measures specific to function in hand OA are needed. However, until stronger evidence is available in the literature, the intervention used by Stamm et al (2002) is reproducible, straightforward and low-risk, and therefore would be worth trying with the patient described in the clinical scenario in order to see if it has a positive impact on her hand function.
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    Sensory Strategies Appear to Improve Classroom Behaviours and Attention in Children with Psychiatric Disabilities
    (2005-07-21T16:52:23Z) Borden, Kim
    CLINICAL QUESTION: Does the use of sensory strategies within a structured activity and school setting improve the behaviours and attention of preschool and school age children with psychiatric disorders with attention difficulties? CLINICAL BOTTOM LINE: • Sensory strategies involving therapy balls for seating or wearing a weighted vest appears to improves classroom behaviours and attention in children with psychiatric disabilities with attention difficulties • Higher quality research with rigorous design and analysis is required to determine specific guidelines and protocols for such sensory strategy interventions
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    Group Intervention for Concurrent Disorders Involving Substance Abuse and Psychosis Appears to be an Effective Way of Providing an Integrated Service
    (2005-07-21T16:46:18Z) Jackson, Jennifer
    CLINICAL QUESTION: Is group intervention effective in reducing marijuana use in patients who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis? CLINICAL BOTTOM LINE: Group intervention for dual diagnosis appears to be an effective way to provide an integrated approach to treatment for psychotic substance abusers. Randomised Control Trials with longer follow up periods and larger sample sizes are need to determine the effectiveness of group intervention in reducing marijuana use in individuals experiencing their first psychotic episode.
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    Glucosamine May Reduce Pain in Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis
    (2005-07-21T16:29:35Z) Pierce, Jacqueline
    Clinical Question: Does treatment with oral glucosamine reduce the progression of joint structure and symptoms in people with knee osteoarthritis? Clinical Bottom Line: The effectiveness of oral glucosamine in reducing the progression of joint space narrowing has not yet been definitively established due to the small numbers of long term clinical trials and weak statistical evidence. However, the evidence from these studies suggests that oral glucosamine is effective in reducing symptomatic pain in subjects with knee osteoarthritis.
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    Pre-exercise stretching does not prevent lower limb running injuries
    (2005-07-21T16:24:59Z) Benaroia, Ilana
    CLINICAL QUESTION: Does pre-exercise stretching reduce the incidence of lower limb soft tissue injuries in young adult runners (≤ 35 years old)? CLINICAL BOTTOM LINE: Studies involving young, healthy, male military subjects have failed to demonstrate a preventative effect of pre-exercise stretching on lower limb soft tissue injuries. Future research involving recreational or competitive runners, female subjects, and longer follow-up to track injury recurrence are warranted to further examine the effects of stretching on injury prevention.