
Permanent URI for this collection

ExamBank is a collection of Queen’s University final examinations from the last 10 years. This collection is made available by Queen's University Library and The Office of the University Registrar to assist Queen's University students in their studies. Excluded from this collection are confidential exams, mid-terms, and exams administered privately by instructors.

Search Tips:

If you are working on campus, you do not need to login to ExamBank to view exams. Below, in "Browse," simply select "By Title," and in the search box enter the course code with no spaces, e.g. CHEM112. Alternatively, in "By Title", you can enter just the subject part of the course code, eg. CHEM, to get a full listing of all exams for that subject in ExamBank.

Off-Campus Access

To Access Exams off campus please login using your Queen's NetID and password. At "Log In" in top right above, select "Log in with Queen's Account." Note: if you encounter a login error, please clear your browser cache and re-try; or try a different browser

Read about the History of ExamBank.


Recent Submissions


ExamBank contains final exams from the past 10 years which have not been designated as being "exempt from publication". The publication of exams at Queen's University is governed by the Senate Policy on Confidential Exams.

The exam papers available in ExamBank are provided to current members of the Queen's community and are intended to be used by students for study purposes. Any other non-authorized use of these exams is not permitted.

Although care has been taken in preparing the information contained in this website, Queen's University does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy thereof. Anyone using the information does so at their own risk and shall be deemed to indemnify Queen's University from any and all injury or damage arising from such use.