Circumstances of Evil: Hitler and the Road to World War II
MacNeil, Sarah
Furlano, Jessica
Cause and Consequence , historical actors , cultural conditions , Hitler , World War II , power , manipulation , Great Depression , Treaty of Versailles , communism , casualties , Evidence , sourcing , Propaganda , WWII , historians , Primary Sources , Germany , Identity , Citizenship , Historical Significance , Historical Perspectives , voting simulation
Alternative Title
Our objective is to introduce students to the preconditions of World War II in a
thought-provoking manner. Using inquiry based activities within our lessons, we gradually allow for
students to develop a deeper understanding of Hitler as a leader and his appeal to the German people.
We explore the economic disparity of the population and prompt students throughout the lessons to
think about how Canada would react in a similar situation. We analyze propaganda and ask students to
find primary source documents to explore and compare, with particular emphasis on pre-war Canada
during such task. We place value on teaching the students how to ask good questions and think
critically about primary and secondary source material. We have accomplished the task of introducing
students to the pre-conditions of WWII and have contextualized the events and trends that occurred
leading to Hitler’s eventual invasion of Poland in 1939 through interactive simulations and historical
thinking processes.
Historical Inquiry Resource Packs