Modeling and evaluation of multi-core multithreading processor architectures in SystemC

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Ma, Nicholas








SystemC , CMT , Processors

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Processor design has evolved over the years to take advantage of new technology and innovative concepts in order to improve performance. Diminishing returns for improvements based on current techniques such as exploiting instruction-level parallelism have caused designers to shift their focus. Rather then focusing on single-threaded architectures, designers have increasingly sought to improve system performance and increase overall throughput by exploiting thread-level parallelism through multithreaded multi-core architectures. Software modeling and simulation are common techniques used to aid hardware design. Through simulation, different architectures can be explored and verified before hardware is actually built. An appropriate choice for the level of abstraction can reduce the complexity and the time required to create and simulate software models. The first contribution of this thesis is a transaction-level simulation model of a multithreaded multi-core processor. The transaction level is a high level of abstraction that hides computational details from the designer allowing key architectural elements to be quickly explored. The processor model that has been implemented for this thesis is flexible and can be used to explore various designs by simulating different processor and cache configurations. The processor model is written in SystemC, which is a standard design and verification language that is built on C++ and that can be used to model hardware systems. The second contribution of this thesis is the development of an application model that seeks to characterize the behavior of instruction execution and data accesses in a program. An application's instruction trace can be profiled to produce a model that can be used to generate a synthetic trace with similar characteristics. The synthetic trace can then be used in place of large trace files to drive the SystemC-based processor model. The application model can also produce various workload scenarios for multiprocessor simulation. From experimentation, various processor configurations and different workload scenarios were simulated to explore the potential benefits of a multi-core multithreaded processor architecture. Performance increased with diminishing returns with additional multi-core multithreading support. However, these improvement were limited by the utilization of the shared bus.


Thesis (Master, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2007-08-09 11:45:46.749




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