Examining the ParticipACTION brand using the brand equity pyramid

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Lithopoulos, Alexander
Dacin, Peter A.
Berry, Tanya R.
Faulkner, Guy
O’Reilly, Norm
Rhodes, Ryan E.
Spence, John C.
Tremblay, Mark S.
Vanderloo, Leigh M.
Latimer-Cheung, Amy E.




journal article



Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue

Alternative Title


The brand equity pyramid is a theory that explains how people develop loyalty and an attachment to a brand. The purpose of this study is to test whether the predictions made by the theory hold when applied to the brand of ParticipACTION, a Canadian non-profit organization that promotes active living. A secondary objective was to test whether this theory predicted intentions to be more physically active.,A research agency conducted a cross-sectional, online brand health survey on behalf of ParticipACTION. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis established the factor structure. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized model.,A nationally representative sample of Canadian adults (N = 1,191) completed the survey. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis supported a hypothesized five-factor brand equity framework (i.e. brand identity, brand meaning, brand responses, brand resonance and intentions). A series of structural equation models also provided support for the hypothesized relationships between the variables.,Though preliminary, the results provide a guide for understanding the branding process in the activity-promotion context. The constructs identified as being influential in this process can be targeted by activity-promotion organizations to improve brand strength. A strong organizational brand could augment activity-promotion interventions. A strong brand may also help the organization better compete against other brands promoting messages that are antithetical to their own.,This is the first study to test the brand equity pyramid using an activity-promotion brand. Results demonstrate that the brand equity pyramid may be useful in this context.


This Author Accepted Manuscript is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial International Licence 4.0, and was first published as: Alexander Lithopoulos, Peter A. Dacin, Tanya R. Berry, Guy Faulkner, Norm O’Reilly, Ryan E. Rhodes, John C. Spence, Mark S. Tremblay, Leigh M. Vanderloo and Amy E. Latimer-Cheung (2018) "Examining the ParticipACTION brand using the brand equity pyramid", Journal of Social Marketing, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 378-396. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JSOCM-11-2017-0071 Reuse is allowed in accordance with the terms outlined by this licence. To reuse this article for commercial purposes, permission should be sought by contacting permissions@emeraldinsight.com.


Lithopoulos, A., Dacin, P. A., Berry, T. R., Faulkner, G., O’Reilly, N., Rhodes, R. E., … Latimer-Cheung, A. E. (2018). Examining the ParticipACTION brand using the brand equity pyramid. Journal of Social Marketing, 8(4), 378–396. doi:10.1108/jsocm-11-2017-0071






PubMed ID